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FAQ & Support

We are here to support you as your employment transitions to Duke University Health System. This page answers common questions and offers guidance on essential aspects of the transition. As we progress, we will update this page with new information based on integration details and the next steps identified in future communications.

If you need additional assistance throughout the transition process, please submit your questions here. To support you, we’ve compiled key questions that may be top of mind for you or your team.

Frequently Asked Questions


What’s happening?

We are thrilled to be welcoming Lake Norman to the Duke Health team. Leaders and team members from both organizations are working diligently to prepare for and support a smooth integration.

When do LNRMC employees join Duke Health?

We look forward to officially welcoming Lake Norman colleagues to the Duke Health team on April 1, 2025.

What are the first steps that I need to take to transition to Duke Health?

Your first steps will be to get your Duke Health credentials and upload your new badge photo.

Please visit the Onboarding page or review your welcome letter for a complete list of steps you need to take, important links, and additional onboarding activities that will occur in the coming weeks.

Do I need to provide any occupational health records before Day 1?

Your Lake Norman occupational health record will be transitioned to DUHS on April 1. No action is necessary unless you intend to opt out of the transition of your medical records. Visit the Onboarding page or review your welcome letter for instructions on how to opt out.

To be consistent with Duke’s compliance policies, you may be required in the future to submit additional information. Duke Health requires employees to be compliant with the flu vaccination policy, which will begin Fall of 2025.

Where do I go if I need help with onboarding activities?

You can contact with questions about the onboarding process or submit your question here and someone from our team will follow up with you.

How do I reset my password for my NetID?

Please contact Duke Office of Information Technology at 919-684-2200 if you need assistance resetting your password.

Click below if you need help managing your NetID.

Can I change the name on my badge to my preferred name?

No, our badging system only uses legal names for compliance and regulatory requirements as well as consistency with state licenses, board certifications, payroll and benefits.


How do I enroll in benefits?

Open enrollment begins on March 19.

What are the key deadlines for benefit enrollment?

Open enrollment will be available between March 19-31. Benefits become effective April 1, 2025.

Please Note: For hourly paid Staff, Duke@Work will be unavailable for enrollment or enrollment changes, on March 26 & 27, 2025, due to payroll processing.

What is the start date for benefits coverage?

For employees transitioning to Duke on April 1, 2025, benefits coverage will begin on April 1st.

For employees hired by Duke Health Lake Norman Medical Center after April 1, 2025, benefits coverage begins the first day of the month following the date of hire.

Who is eligible for benefits?

Full-time employees working (30 or more hours per week) and part-time employees working at least 20 hours per week, are eligible for benefits. Part-time employees working at least 20 hours but less than 30 hours per week pay the full cost for medical coverage. (Part time employees are not eligible for the Duke Contribution towards the insurance premium).

What tools are available to me to understand my new benefits?

The 2025 Benefits Decision Guide is available and provides detailed information on all the benefits you are eligible for as a Duke Health team member.

Where can I go if I still have questions?

For more information, employees can contact the Duke Benefits Integration Team at or call (919) 613-3447.

Health Insurance

What medical plans are available?

Duke offers three medical plans for employees that live in the Lake Norman area, which include two PPO plans and one HMO plan. Employees can choose the plan that best suits their needs. Information regarding the medical plans available to you, can be referenced at

Are dependents covered under my health insurance plan?

Yes, dependents such as spouses and children up to age 26, can be covered under your health insurance plan.

Can my disabled dependent age 26 be covered under my benefits?

Yes, your children who are intellectually or physically disabled and incapable of self-support after age 26, if their disability began before they turned age 26, and they were covered under a Duke medical plan prior to age 26 are considered an eligible dependent. Duke reserves the right to request an annual review of those dependents’ health status. All the following criteria has to be met:

  • The parent must apply for the waiver on or prior to the child’s 26th birthday.
  • The intellectually or physical handicap must be significant and render the child incapable of independent living and self-sustaining employment,
  • The handicap must be supported by medical records.
  • The condition must exist on or prior to the 26th birthday.
  • The parent must remain eligible.
  • The parent must provide annual evidence of continued incapacity.
  • There must not be a break in coverage after the 26th birthday under the parental policy.

When can I enroll in benefits?

You may enroll during the special enrollment period, on March 19th-March 31st. Benefits become effective April 1, 2025.

Please Note: For hourly  paid Staff, Duke@Work will be unavailable for enrollment or enrollment changes, on March 26 & 27, 2025, due to payroll processing.

For employees that are paid biweekly, are deductions taken from each paycheck?

Benefits are deducted monthly.

Bi-weekly staff please refer to the Benefits Payroll Deduction Schedule available online.

  • 1st pay period of every month – premiums for Dental, Vision, Supplemental Life, Voluntary Disability Plans, Personal Accident, Parking and Life For Life
  • 2nd pay period of every month-premiums for Medical, Live for Life and Flex Card elections.
  • Every Pay Period– deductions for Reimbursement Account, Retirement Contributions, Personal Casualty Insurance and Duke Credit Union

Health, Dental, and Vision premiums are deducted one month in advance of coverage. Duke does not prorate premiums. Your health premiums are based on coverage in effect on last day of month. All other premiums pay for coverage for the month in which the deduction is taken. Owed premiums are take on the next available paycheck and marked as a 1x deduction.

How will deductions show on my paycheck?

Duke is providing a supplemental payment for the cost of health insurance for the month of April. The deductions for April coverage will show on your first pay statement as a 1x deduction but will include a benefit supplement to offset the 1x cost.

What is the cost of medical insurance?

The cost of medical insurance varies based on the plan selected, the number of dependents covered, and whether you are working full-time or part-time. Full-time employees share the cost with Duke, with contributions deducted from each paycheck. Part time employees pay the full cost of the premium.

Duke USA (PPO Model) Monthly premiums
Individual Employee & Child Employee & Children Employee & Spouse Family
Total Premium
(part time employee premium)
$898 $1,224 $1,602 $1,810 $2,364
Duke Contribution $736 $905 $1,128 $1,201 $1,524
Full time Employee Premium $162 $319 $474 $609 $840
Duke Options (PPO Model) Premiums
Individual Employee & Child Employee & Children Employee & Spouse Family
Total Premium $1,301 $1,758 $2,067 $2,539 $2,969
Duke Contribution $1,068 $1,300 $1,455 $1,685 $1,901
Full-Time Employee Premium $233 $458 $612 $854 $1,068
Blue Care (HMO Model) Premiums
  Individual Employee & Child Employee & Children Employee & Spouse Family
Total Premium $1,371 $1,822 $2,070 $2,550 $3,052
Duke Contribution $1,129 $1,353 $1,478 $1,716 $1,966
Full-Time Employee Premium $242 $469 $592 $834 $1,086

For additional plans and premiums please visit

At Duke, we pay benefit premiums one month in advance. For example, in April, you are paying for May’s coverage. To minimize the financial impact of this transition, Duke will fully pay for the cost of April’s health insurance premium so that your first deduction will be paying for May’s coverage.

How do I find a provider?

  1. Find a network provider online:Blue Care / Duke Options / Duke USA Members
  2. Call BCBS at 877-275-9787
  3. Download the BCBS Mobile App that gives you access to your virtual ID Card, Claims status and In-Network Providers

Are there any behavioral health benefits offered at Duke?

Duke’s coverage for outpatient and inpatient behavioral health and substance abuse benefits is provided through your medical plan.  If you enroll in Blue Care, Duke Options, or Duke USA you can access your behavioral health and substance abuse benefits by using your member ID.  These benefits are provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield.  You can reach out to them for assistance at 800-359-2422.

Duke also offers up to eight visits to Duke employees and their immediate family members through the Personal Assistance Service (PAS) at no cost to you. The staff of licensed professionals offer assessment, referrals, and a range of other services to assist with personal, work and family matters. For information, call (919) 416-1727.

What dental insurance plans are available?

Duke employees who work 20 hours or more per week can choose from three dental options that offer different levels of coverage and different ways of choosing a dentist. Dental A, Dental B, and the Dental PPO plan.

What is the cost of dental insurance?

Dental Premiums

  Individual Employee & Child Employee & Spouse Family
PPO Plan Premium $39.21 $76.20 $78.47 $118.79
Plan A Premium $46.04 $89.45 $92.13 $139.47
Plan B Premium $12.18 $24.82 $24.37 $45.24

How do I find a Dental provider?

A list of network dentists is available at or by calling Ameritas, at 1-800-487-5553.

Can I delay dental coverage until open enrollment?

You and/or your dependent(s) will be considered a “late entrant.” As a “late entrant”, your benefits during 2026 will be limited to preventive services: two preventive routine care exams (not including X-rays), two prophylaxis (routine) cleanings, and for children under age 19, one fluoride application. No other dental or orthodontia procedures or services will be covered during the first 12 months if a member is enrolled as a late entrant.

What is the cost of vision insurance?

Vision Plan Monthly premium
Individual Employee & Child Employee & Children Employee & Spouse Family
Total Premium $9.66 $18.49 $19.46 $18.50 $29.97

When should I expect my health insurance ID cards?

The medical and dental ID cards are mailed out to employees approximately 7-10 business days from when you enroll in the medical and dental plans.  The vision plan does not send out ID cards to employees directly. Please refer to the information below regarding the vision plan ID cards.

Provide the primary insured’s vision identification number (the vision identification number is the insured’s Duke Unique ID number plus leading zeroes for a total of a nine digit number), patient’s name, and patient’s date of birth. UnitedHealthcare Vision does not issue identification cards to enrolled members. However, you may print a personalized ID card by completing the User information at and selecting “Print ID card” from the Member Web Portal page.

Will deductible and out of pocket limit restart?

No, we will credit the deductibles and OOP maximums already paid this year and be applied to the limits of your elected Duke plans.

The costs of Health, Dental and Vision is different than it was with CHS/Lake Norman. Will that impact my take home pay?

The cost of health, dental and vison insurance premiums is different between CHS/ Lake Norman and Duke. To help the Duke Health Lake Norman employees maintain a consistent take-home pay, a pay supplement will be offered to those employees who had CHS health insurance and who enroll in Duke health, dental or vision insurance. The supplements will continue until November 2025 (which will pay for December’s coverage).

CHS Health Plan CHS Coverage Tier Monthly Supplement (through November 2025)
Premier Plan Employee Only $0.00
Premier Plan Employee & Spouse $61.37
Premier Plan Employee & Child(ren) $0.00
Premier Plan Employee & Family $204.87
Basic Plan Employee Only $45.06
Basic Plan Employee & Spouse $220.55
Basic Plan Employee & Child(ren) $151.89
Basic Plan Employee & Family $370.95
CHS Dental Plan CHS Coverage Tier Monthly Supplement (through November 2025)
Employee Only $0.93
Employee & Spouse $1.88
Employee & Child(ren) mapping to employee and child* $7.26
Employee & child mapping to Family* $50.10
Employee & Family $7.61

Duke does not offer an employee and children coverage level for Dental, therefore your selection may be employee and child if covering only one child or family if covering more than one child.

CHS Vision Plan CHS Coverage Tier Monthly Supplement (through November 2025)
Employee Only $1.34
Employee & Spouse $3.07
Employee & Child(ren) $3.62
Employee & Family $6.12

Pharmacy Benefits

Do I pay a separate premium for my pharmacy benefit?

No.  Each of our medical plans cover pharmacy benefits. Refer to the pharmacy benefits website for details, including links to our formulary and medication pricing tool.

Reimbursement Accounts

Health Care Reimbursement Account

Can I enroll in Duke’s Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA)?

Yes, you can enroll in the HCRA for the remainder of the year. Keep in mind that the IRS maximum allowed contribution for an individual is $3,300 per year and your annual election will be divided among the number of remaining pay periods in the year. Up to $660 in unused contributions can be carried over to the next plan year. Any unused amounts over $660 will be forfeited.

What expenses are covered under the HCRA?

Expenses include, but aren’t limited to, copays, deductibles, prescription drugs, eyeglasses, contacts, dental work, and some over-the-counter medications. A more comprehensive is available at

How do I file claims for my HCRA expenses?

You may file a claim using your HealthEquity HCRA debit card, or you may submit paper claims. Using the HealthEquity debit card allows you to be reimbursed immediately and directly from your HCRA.

My spouse has an HSA. Can I also enroll in a health care reimbursement account?

No. If your spouse is enrolled in a Health Savings Account (HSA), you are not eligible to participate in a Health Care Reimbursement Account.

Dependent Care Reimbursement Account

Can I enroll in Duke’s Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA)?

Yes, you can enroll in the DCRA for the remainder of the year. The IRS maximum FAMILY contribution to the DCRA is $5,000. When calculating your contribution for the rest of 2025, you must include any contributions made by your spouse and contributions you have made into the Lake Norman Dependent Care Account so you don’t exceed the $5,000 allowance.

What expenses are covered under the DCRA?

Eligible expenses include, but aren’t limited to, dependent day care, preschool centers, daycare camps, before and after school, nannies, and adult day care services.

How do I file a claim for my DCRA expenses?

Claims may be filed by submitting a claim form, along with your receipts to HealthEquity. You can also set up the “Pay my Provider” option to have the funds automatically transferred.

Retirement Plans

What retirement plan is available?

Duke offers the Faculty and Staff Retirement Plan, a qualified 403(b) plan with a range of investment options. Fidelity is the primary recordkeeper for the plan. Employees can enroll immediately upon hire, and can contribute pre-tax or after-tax (Roth) dollars or a combination of both.

Duke also offers the 457b Deferred Compensation Plan:

You are eligible to participate in the Duke 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan if your annualized compensation equals or exceeds 150% of the Social Security taxable wage base. For 2025, the minimum salary requirement is $264,150.

When am I vested in Duke’s contribution?

You are immediately 100% vested in Duke’s contribution.

Does Duke contribute to my retirement plan?

Yes, Duke makes a contribution of 4% of eligible employees’ compensation each pay period, once you are age 21 and have one year of service. Employees who are transitioning to Duke from CHS/Lake Norman will have CHS/Lake Norman service counted towards the one year of service.

Is the Duke contribution a “match”? Am I required to participate to receive this contribution?

While employees are always encouraged to save for retirement, you are not required to participate with your own contributions to receive Duke’s contribution. The Duke contribution is not a match; eligible Lake Norman employees receive 4% of their eligible compensation each pay period. To be eligible for the Duke contribution, you must be age 21 and have one year of service.

How much can I contribute to the 403(b) plan?

The IRS limits the amount you can contribute to qualified plans during the year. The maximum limit that you may contributed between all qualified plans for 2025 is $23,500 or if you are 50 or older, $31,000. Please review and coordinate any contributions you have made prior to joining Duke to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum limit for the year.

I would like to enroll and start saving for retirement. What do I do?

You may enroll starting April 1, 2025.

  1. Contribution elections are made through the Duke@Work self-service website and are available by payroll deduction only. Changes can be made anytime.
  2. Elect your Investment Options via the Fidelity link found on Duke@Work. A Fidelity Mobile app is also available.
    Tier 1 Hands Free, is the Default Option, These are Target Date Funds (Life Cycle Funds) based on your date of birth and when you are likely to hit retirement age. They are diversified for you and become more conservative as you approach retirement age.
    Tier 2, Funds were selected based on their suitability for use in a diversified retirement savings portfolio and their competitive expense level. Tier 1 and 2 are monitored by the Duke IAC (Investment Advisory Committee).
    Tier 3 is a Self-Directed Brokerage Option that opens thousands of investment options. You can choose one or all three.
  3. Assign your beneficiaries online through Fidelity.

How can I learn more about the Faculty and Staff 403(b) Retirement Plan at Duke?

  • Visit our website at
  • Meet with a Fidelity representative for a confidential, complimentary financial consultation, to help you with enrolling, selecting your investments, and setting retirement goals.
  • For assistance with rollovers contact Fidelity Investments at 1-800-343-0860
  • Reach out to us – contact the Duke Benefits and Integration team with questions about your retirement plan:

Paid Time Off (PTO)

How much paid time off do I receive? It is based on your continuous service date with CHS?

Employees accrue paid time off based on their years of service and whether you are a salaried employee or hourly paid. For more information, please refer to

Hourly-Paid – PTO Eligibility and Accrual

Hourly-paid Employment Status Completed Years of Service Expected Annual Days Earned Expected Annual
Hours Earned
Earned hours
Per Pay Period
Full-Time* Less than 4 years 30 240 9.23
Full-Time* 4 years but less than 9 years 35 280 10.76
Full-Time* 9 years or more 40 320 12.3
Abbreviated Schedule** Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis
Part-Time*** Not eligible for vacation Not eligible for vacation Not eligible for vacation Not eligible for vacation

*Scheduled to work 80 hours each two-week period

**Scheduled to work at least 20 but less than 40 hours per week (or 80 hours per biweekly pay period)

***Scheduled to work less than 20 hours per week

Monthly-salaried – PTO Eligibility and Accrual

Monthly-salaried Employment Status Completed Years of Service Expected Annual Days Earned Expected Annual
Hours Earned
Earned hours
Per Pay Period
Full-Time* Less than 4 35 280 2.916 days, 23.33 hours
Full-Time* After 4 years 40 320 3.33 days, 26.66 hours
Abbreviated Schedule** Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis Earn vacation on a pro-rated basis
Part-Time*** Not eligible for vacation Not eligible for vacation Not eligible for vacation Not eligible for vacation

*Scheduled to work 40 hours or more each week

**Scheduled to work at least 20 but less than 40 hours per week (or 80 hours per biweekly pay period)

***Scheduled to work less than 20 hours per week

Will my previous accrued time with CHS/Lake Norman be mapped over to the Duke University Health System PTO banks?

Yes, your accrued time from CHS/Lake Norman will be mapped over to Duke as indicated below:

From Time Off Categories To Short-Term Bank To Long-Term Bank To Carry Over Bank
Vacation To a maximum of 47 days (376 hours) Not Applicable Not applicable
Banked Holidays and Personal days To a maximum of 47 days (376 hours) Not Applicable Not Applicable
Sick Leave Not Applicable Not Applicable 100% of sick leave accrual (no maximum limit)

Additional Benefits

What other benefits are available?

Additional benefits include life insurance, disability insurance, employee assistance programs, tuition reimbursement, and wellness programs.

How do I enroll in benefits?

Employees can enroll in benefits through Duke@Work.

Additional forms may be required for enrollment in certain plans.

Ask A Question

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